
Carrer Oppurtunity & Social Status — Nurses are the foundation stone of medical science.

Education & Health care are two fields that have seen tremendous growth and advancement of quality health education in the recent past. The demand for professionally trained personnel in large and growing field of allied health sciences has transcended geographical boundaries with countries even like U.S.A. and other European countries turning to India and skilled personnel with immense global need. Nursing education is the foundation stone to improve the efficiency & quality of Health Care Services. Nursing education must cater to the development of Human Resources at appropriate level with right kind of attitude knowledge, and skill to provide optimum nursing are to needy and poor people so far the profession is concerned.

Attempts in the standardization were initiated by leaders both from nursing & medical profession. The Indian Council Nursing (INC) Act, 1947 enacted by Parliament in order to establish uniform standard and quality of training to youth to make the country self dependant and self reliant in the area of Health Services in the time bound manner to accept challenges of globally declared life endangering diseases and to provide international class in the Health Service through 09 training institutes inculcating the energy and competently in youth by motivating in the attractive field of health services.

Today at present there is 34,000 Vaccancies in Bihar for Trained ANM students.But we do not have required no of schools to fulfill their needs. Now apart from government jobs there is immense opportunity available in private sector too.